Knox Blocks LLC

The first production run is complete! They should be up on Amazon soon!

Kickstarter will be up this week!

Final design is done!  Quotes are back from the injection molding companies!  This thing is about to get real!

Final pre-production appearance model in near-black.  These should be available in white, safety orange, and near-black.  Other colors are available if there is enough interest in them.

Final pre-production appearance model in near-black.  These should be available in white, safety orange, and near-black.  Other colors are available if there is enough interest in them.


The early edition selectively laser sintered nylon prototypes are also done- see below.  I'm getting another four dozen of them for press releases this week.

SLS production model in natural nylon.  Now to find UV stable dyes...

SLS production model in natural nylon.  Now to find UV stable dyes...